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Program Offerings
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We reframe what it means to be Deaf, leading towards existential & economic justice for all Deaf people.
Empowering Change, Inspiring Unity!
Through our programs, we aim to be FREE of audism/ linguicism by:
Fostering individual and collective growth in knowledge, attitudes, beliefs and behaviors
Rallying impactful action through strategic networking engagements
Elevating collective support and affirmation through educational outreach and other activities
Eradicating prejudice by effecting changes within the individual, organization and society as a whole

Professionals working with Deaf populations
Deafhood Lens Consultation/ Training
A specialized training for organizations that serve the Deaf (including who identify as Hard of Hearing) people. By understanding the people you serve, you can create an equitable space and valuable experience for all Deaf and non-Deaf people.
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