Book ASL Translations
With Dr. Paddy Ladd’s support, we are creating translations of his
academic book from written English into American Sign Language (ASL), a language mode that most American Deaf signers readily receive information.
Classes & Workshops
Offering of classes, workshops, seminars,
professional development, and/or consultations for Deaf people and hearing people in the work to reframe what it means to be Deaf leading toward the advancement of existential and economic justice for all Deaf people.
Community Grants
Grants are offered by Deafhood Institute with a focus furthering the Deafhood mission through arts, activism, education, media, and research.
Deafhood Conference
In the near future, we hope to offer a biennial conference at different locations across the United States, providing an opportunity for collective gatherings where seminars, Deafhood ThinkTank discussions, activism organizing, and the popular Deafhood Banquet will be held.
Deafhood Monologues
Works with local communities to produce shows that explores the everyday lives and experiences of Deaf people through their “eyes & hands”.