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Digital Deafhood 101 Header

Practicing Anti-Audism in the Workplace

A workshop designed for Sign Language Interpreters or any non-Deaf Professionals primarily working with Deaf populations such as teachers of the Deaf or counselors, etc. Lectures go deeper in content than what is covered in Allies in Deafhood workshop. More group-work discussions will be pertinent to their field. Contents of workshop includes differences between deafness vs Deafhood, why we use application of “surdinalism” in the understanding of our individual and collective experience and history, along with an expanded definition of Audism. Please note that this workshop is in ASL only and if you do not feel you are fluent in ASL, please consider taking the 3-hour Allies in Deafhood workshop instead.

Dates & Times:

November 18th from 9a to 4p CT


Online (Zoom)



Intended For:

Professionals working with Deaf populations


ASL Fluency

Last Day To Register:

November 16, 2023

Your Facilitator(s)


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