Deafhood Institute aims to reframe what it means to be Deaf, leading towards the overall advancement of existential and economic justice for all Deaf people. We make impact by providing classes, workshops, seminars, professional development and consultations either in person or virtually. To meet our aim, our educational objectives are:
fostering growth in individual and collective knowledge, attitudes, beliefs and behaviors,
enhancing support and causative action through networking, and/or
eradicating discrimination or prejudice by effecting change on micro, meso, and macro levels.
If you are interested in attending a class, workshop or seminar, check here to see if any available offerings open for registration. If you want to inquire about hosting a class, workshop and seminar in your community or request a consultation/ training services for your organization, please contact us. And, to keep informed of upcoming Deafhood Institute events, please subscribe to DHF E-News.
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We offer Deafhood 101 and 201 classes using Paddy Ladd’s book, Understanding Deaf Culture: In Search of Deafhood, as a framework. Each class follows a curriculum that is composed of 10 modules totaling 20-hours, typically spread over 4 days in-person or over 5 or 10 weeks online. We hope to offer 301 in the near future. The classes are facilitated in American Sign Language (ASL) for Deaf people only.
DH 101
Deafhood 101 is an introduction to consciousness-raising of the “Deaf Being” through the lens of phonocentric surdinalism of Deaf people. We explore the hidden discourses behind the medical/scientific hegemony controlling the education of Deaf people. We promote better understanding of the unlimited potential and Deaf/ Sign Gain contributions to the diversity o f humankind by Deaf people. Within our curriculum, we cover: phonocentric surdinalism, Deafhood vs deafness, Deaf History, Deaf culture, Intersectionality and Representation within the Deaf community, Subalterns, Identity, Deficit Thinking, Audism, Reframing and 1,001 Victories. Deafhood 101 is a prerequisite for Deafhood 201.
DH 201
Deafhood 201 continues to explore topics covered in Deafhood 101 that focus on raising consciousness within our Deaf community. Topics covered are Oralism and its impacts, residential schools and Deaf education, a need for a “Deaf Identity Restoration” program to develop or restore healthy identities for all Deaf people, Deaf clubs and third places and their importance in our community, why it is critical to engage in discourses to unlock the doors to a positive and holistic future, and why there is a need for healing within our community. Deafhood 201 will be a prerequisite for Deafhood 301.
DH 301
Deafhood 301 is not yet offered, as the curriculum is currently being developed. This class will emphasize applicable action plans within the advocacy and activism parameters that will help communities work towards meaningful and positive systemic changes.

Jenny Gough and DeAnna Swope, DHI Facilitators, explain what learning about Deafhood has meant to them.
We offer 4 to 6-hour workshops that include interactive discussions, activities and are tailored for specific audiences such as, but not limited to, interpreters, professional staff working with Deaf people, youth in school or camp settings, and/or for Deaf clubs. These workshops can be customized into shorter seminars to accommodate scheduling issues or staff or board development consultation needs.
Allies in
A 6-hour workshop designed for hearing people who are interested in learning how they can become a great ally for Deaf people. Contents of workshop includes differences between deafness vs Deafhood, why we use application of “surdinalism” in the understanding of our individual and collective experience/ history, and definition of Audism. This workshop can be specialized for specific groups such as Sign Language Interpreters or Professionals working with Deaf populations, where lectures and group-work discussions will be pertinent to their field.
In Search of Deafhood
This is a 6-hour workshop for Deaf people only. This workshop is a condensed summary of the Deafhood 101 class and focuses on the word “Deaf” and what it could mean. Touches on the Deaf World before 1880, effects of colonialism, dimensions of Deaf people, and why we must critically examine, frame, and reframe ways of being Deaf. Provides a hint of what a Deafhood Vision could look like. This is a good workshop for communities that may not feel ready to host a Deafhood 101 class, or communities with a desire to just receive a brief overview than a 20-hour class.
Seeds of Change
This is a 4-6 hour workshop designed for youth or young adults to explore how Deafhood can be a useful framework to apply in their personal and professional lives. Awareness-raising activities will help participants understand Deafhood as a concept and how they can work to better themselves and act to better their local environments. This workshop is a good fit for high school, college, Jr. NAD, or camp settings.
We offer 1-3 hour presentations that are less interactive than workshops and includes a Q & A period at the end of the presentation. These seminars can be customized to accommodate staff or board development consultation needs.
Introduction to Deafhood
This is a 1 to 2 hour workshop designed to provide a brief description about Deafhood Foundation, its mission, and journey to bring awareness on how understanding Deafhood as a concept can enlighten individuals and communities-at-large for the better. This workshop is a good fit for state or national conferences with limited timeframes or for areas who are just wanting an introduction before a Deafhood 101 class.
The Future of Deaf People
A 2 to 3 hour presentation that explores the experience of a Deaf person, usually in the face of obstacles, making a journey to realize their full potentials. Thought-provoking and inspiring discussions will focus on how the search for Deafhood can shape Deaf people as they become further empowered.
Deaf Whole… Shaping Our Future
A 2 to 3 hour presentation that explores the experience of a Deaf person, usually in the face of obstacles, making a journey to realize their full potentials. Thought-provoking and inspiring discussions will focus on how the search for Deafhood can shape Deaf people as they become further empowered. This workshop is a good fit for those in the social services and mental health field.
Professional Development and/or Consultation
We offer Deafhood consultations, which can include trainings, for executive teams, staff members and/or board members wanting to improve or expand on making their operations or systems more "Deaf-centered".
Deafhood Lens for Board and Staff
A 2 to 6 hour professional development presentation geared for Board members and/or staff members who are interested in learning more about Deafhood and what Deafhood could mean to their organization whether this is internal, external or both. Discussions will also focus on how they can analyze and/or realize organizational effectiveness by moving away from the medicalization view of Deaf people and thus become more Deaf-centered in their practices.
If you are interested in attending a class, workshop or seminar, check here to see if any available offerings open for registration. If you want to inquire about hosting a class, workshop and seminar in your community or request a consultation/ training services for your organization, please contact us. And, to keep informed of upcoming Deafhood Institute events, please subscribe to DHF E-News.