The end of 2022 is near! Please see Chriz Dally's announcement on two pieces of news from Deafhood Foundation regarding classes/ workshops and a new path for the organization beginning in 2023.
What happened in 2022?
We hosted 31 events!
6 DH 101 classes (one specifically for youth)
5 DH 201 classes
3 Journey into Deafhood workshops
11 Allies/ Allyship workshops
3 Future of Deaf People (new!) presentations
1 Embracing Deaf Values for Parents of Deaf Children presentation (new!)
2 Deaf-Centered/ Anti-Audist Organizational Consultations
We connected with 361 participants from all over the United States, and a few from Canada and Morocco
Our Deaf Trailblazer series from 2021 continues to be popular! If you have not yet seen the tributes to 5 phenomenal Deaf people who contributed to our Deafhood way before the word itself was coined, please scroll down to see previous Blog Posts.
Chriz Dally shares some news from Deafhood Foundation (transcript available on YouTube)
Plans For Deafhood Institute in 2023 (as a part of MDHAC Culture Program)
We’ll focus on:
Continuing to provide a range of options for how our educational programs are delivered through virtual and in-person experiences (Schedule for 2023)
Incorporating concepts from Deaf Gain and "Intersectionality in Deaf Communities" into Deafhood programs
Releasing at least 3 new events (Deafhood Refreshers, "Is Deaf a Disability" Panel, and Introduction to Economic Justice)
Translating more of Dr. Paddy Ladd’s book, "Understanding Deaf Culture; In Search of Deafhood" from written English into American Sign Language. (Paddy Ladd Book Translations)
Planning for the re-activation of our Request for Proposal process for Deafhood grants hopefully with a target date in 2024. (Deafhood Grants page)
Setting the groundwork for our next Deafhood Banquet
Like what we’ve accomplished? Like what we’ll work to achieve in 2023? Please consider making a gift to support the Museum of Deaf History, Arts & Culture (MDHAC) mission to advance and preserve information about Deaf people, their language(s), culture(s) and experiences in the United States and around the world. About MDHAC: MDHAC's recent announcement of their accomplishments on Facebook